Side gate
Don't let the dogs out!
Add a side gate in colourbond for security.

Replace the old shadecloth with a fresh look in your favourite outdoor space.

Freshen up the house with Dulux Weathershield. Like sunscreen for your house. Gable and eaves painted by Meerkat Maintenance.

Oil the deck
Maintain decks by oiling every few years. Cabots Aquadeck, applied by Meerkat Maintenance.

Update the clothesline
Install a new clothesline to catch the sun. Fold out clotheslines save space, stay out of the way and can be concreted into the ground or attached to a wall of the house.

Show the way
A new letterbox makes a statement

Replace the sliding door
Most of the time only the door rollers need to be replaced, not the entire door. A matching security screen keeps more than mossies out.

Let the light shine
Replace old broken or mouldy and discoloured skylights in the pergola with ampelite or polycarbonate in a choice of colours